Friday, January 2, 2009

Shipping and Receiving

Today I encountered a perfect example of island life. Back on Dec 23 I got a call from UPS. My son's Christmas package sent from Singapore had arrived in Nassau and it was going to be on the 4PM flight to the Navy Base Chapel. I should explain that we had told our son that if they were going to ship presents they should ship them to the Base since they arrive quicker than through the Bahamian mail. Using the Navy Base address, packages actually go to Florida, then on to the Base via the Navy mail system. Now then, that works fine with the mail, but UPS is another story. UPS can't deliver to the base so they got the package to Nassau and put in on the plane to the base (or so we were told).

So the next day we go do Christmas Eve services at the base (no package). I didn't think much of it because it was, after all, Christmas Eve and the base Post Office was closed. So Christmas comes and goes and on the 26th I go over to the base and the Post Office doesn't have it but its probably still in Shipping, try again later.

A few days pass, this time I go to the Base Post Office, still no package so I'm sent to Shipping - nobody has a package like that, nope not here, you should call UPS. So before doing that I email Matt in Singapore and this morning his lovely wife, and mother of my extremely bright and talented grandson, sends me the Tracking Number.

So today I determine to find the package - call UPS in Nassau and Robbie isn't in right now can I call back. I call back a few hours later and Robbie takes down all the information saying he remembers the package being put on the plane to Andros. I mentioned that the package was addressed to the Base and not me on Andros, but he assured me he'd find out where it went.

Time passes and Robbie actually calls back (a rarity here). The package had been sent to the SanAndros airport (the wrong airport), and then he sent it again to the AndrosTown airport (my town airport, not the Base) and the package was signed for by 'Chuck'. Robbie then asked if I knew anyone named Chuck?

Oddly enough, I do - and he works at the Navy base. So I call Chuck and he didn't pick it up. However, he knows another guy named Chuck who works in AirOps and he sometimes goes to the airport to pick up things for the Base. So off I go chasing this new Chuck, who is not in, but I got his cell phone. Call the cell phone, leave a message. Time passes, I call Air Ops a second time. This time Chuck is there and I explain about the package from Singapore, the airport, UPS, signed by Chuck, yada yada yada - Nope, not me, I never signed for any package, haven't signed for a package at the airport for months. Sounds like you need to go to the airport and see if they have a worker named Chuck.

So, off I go to the airport (mind you the whole aiport terminal is 30'x30'). I find a worker and explain what I'm looking for and without my saying it he says, 'O dat be picked up by Chuck'. Chuck who, I ask and he says, 'Da Chuck dat woiks at da base'. Then another worker joins the conversation and says, 'Ya man, you needs ta talk wit Chuck, he be next door right now'.

So we go next door, entering the Customs Office. There stands Chuck, the same man I spoke with at Air Ops, who now remembers the package. When he picked it up on 12/23 someone from Shipping and Recieving was also at the airport so he just passed it to him, but Chuck never signed for it, he just passed it to Russ (turns out the Airport folks sign Chucks name when he picks up UPS shipments). Chuck tells me I needed to find Russ in Shipping and Recieving, he has the package, but they're notorious for losing things.

So back to St. Johns I go, pick up my ID Badge to get onto the base and the phone rings. Its a woman from Shipping and Receiving at the base. She has the package I called about earlier when I was first looking for Chuck. I tell her to hold onto it tight and I'll be right there and off I go to the Base. She has it for me when I get there and take it on home.

When I get home there is a message on the answering machine - its Chuck, he's found my package!

So I call Chuck, and tell him I got it, and thank you.
Then I call UPS and tell him I got it, and thank you.
Then the first Chuck (the only Chuck I knew when this began) calls, asking if I got the package and I tell him I got it, and thank you.

Now, here's the dilemma - its Christmas presents from Matt and Melissa and Jack in Singapore. Do I open them now, or wait for Ginni to return?


Matt said...

Jack says open it now, we think you earned it!

Unknown said...

After all that.. I'm dying to know was it a Chia Pet or a fruit cake?!!!HAhahahah!