Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Easter 2015

Hello Again - Well we are entering the 4th week of Easter and I finally am getting all the pics together so here goes.

As Lent came to an end we were told we would have no priest for Easter (but I have been told that before).  As in prior years I put out feelers at Boston College and with a few contacts at the Archdiocese of Boston but most were not hopeful.   What was frustrating about this was that we had been told that the same priest from St. Vincent's Seminary in Boynton Beach FL would join us - but then one of the Nassau priests returned to Haiti with virtually no notice AND our faithful Vicar had a minor heart attack.  Combine that with another Nassau pastor who had been recalled to NY several months ago and we were down 3 priests.  The needs of the larger parishes in Nassau were going to gobble up our promised priest unless something happened.  What happened was an unplanned visiting priest offered to help out - great news for us since we had 5 RCIA candidates expecting Baptism Eucharist and Confirmation.

Fr. Mike arrived on Holy Thursday morning and we had a great Holy Thursday in Fresh Creek, washing the feet of all who wanted (we've never limited it to 12 men).  Good Friday began with a morning service in Cargill Creek and another with the Navy folks at AUTEC at noon.  We were also able to have all 4 churches pray the Stations of the Cross at the same time - 6PM, up and down the island, we walked with Jesus.  Holy Saturday day is a special time for me - Jesus is in the tomb - but we know what is coming.

This is the day I build the fire pit, pull sticks and branches from the bush and build the fire so all will be ready for the Vigil. I also prepare the Candle -- let me tell you about that.  Here on Andros there is no source for the Easter Candle, and if there were we could not afford it.  Our parish in the US, St. Timothy's in Norwood is very generous and gives us the candle they are taking out of service.  If we have to we cut it down so it fits kitty-corner in our suitcase and we bring it to Andros.  Now each candle has wax letters and numbers, usually alpha and omega and the year.  It is the year we need to fix. 

We have found something called wikistix.  They are colored wax strips that is cut to size with scissors and remold them into a number.  This year I carved off the 4 of 2014 and molded my wikistix into a 5 and presto a new 'used' Christ candle for 2015.

Sunset on Saturday was 7:30 here and so we began.  First I take the taper and light the fire pit.  I should mention that after building the fire pit I poured last year's chrism and oils over the branches so they too are part of this.

You can tell by that glow that the fire is blazing away as Fr. Mike blesses the 'holy fire' that will be used to light the Christ Candle

With the candle lit I proclaim 'Christ our light' and the procession begins

Once inside the church the fire is passed from candle to candle so that the church is aglow with candlelight.  Here I am putting the candle into the stand as we prepare to incense it and sing the Exsultet.

While I sing Fr Mike and the altar servers in the glow of their candles (what a neat pic)

 With that, the lights came on and we blew out our personal candles.  Eight readings and a homily later Fr. Mike blessed the water of our baptismal font.  Note the conch shell we use on the table to do our baptisms

Indira and her sponsor stood patiently as Fr. Mike began the sacrament of Confirmation - Indira began RCIA in Nassau but, as a nurse, was transferred to Fresh Creek so we were thrilled we could complete her formation and bring her to Easter joy and full communion with the Church.  What was really cool about this is that her sponsor was standing in her shoes two years ago.  Now she is sponsoring someone else - Praise God.

Easter Sunday day we had one service at the AUTEC Navy base, then another in Cargill Creek, and a 3rd in Mastic Point.  Usually all those receiving the sacraments do so on Saturday on the Easter Vigil, however, due to island life and the difficulty in transportation the Archbishop gave us permission to administer the sacraments on both the Vigil and Easter Day

Here, at Christ the King in Cargill Creek,  newly baptized Sandra pose with Fr. Mike.  Her sponsor is in his wheelchair with Sam there to help them.  Sandra is his care taker and had been coming to church with him for months when I asked if she'd ever considered becoming Catholic.  She said yes and a year later here we are.

From here we drove 2 hours north to Mastic Point were three other people were waiting to join the Church.
Here Fr. Mike baptizes Sharee as her husband and sponsor lends a hand.  Note that we are using the same font and Easter Water blessed during the Vigil on Saturday night.

After Sharee was baptized it was Colleen's turn, including their receiving the Light of Christ.  Here Ginni stands with Colleen.  As her sponsor Ginni holds the baptismal candle as Fr. Mike prays we keep this light of faith burning brightly

 After baptism came Confirmation.  Here Barry is anointed with the Sacred Chrism

And here Colleen is anointed as well

And finally Sharee is anointed
 With that the Easter Liturgy continued - another high point their reception of their first communion.  Here I am privileged to share the Blood of Christ with Barry

A long day to say the least, but on the way home we stopped for a great chicken dinner.  It was a GREAT Easter celebration.  The next day Fr. Mike was on a 7:30 plan off of Andros to Nassau, then on to Florida - no rest for him.

We hope your Easter was just as blessed as ours - till next time

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