Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our trip back to MA

Well, as I write this I am at our home in Canton, MA - over the last several months Ginni has been having some health issues and the concensus is her gall bladder needs to come out.  Gin has been having acid reflux issues whenever she eats, sensations of nausea, and a list of other symptoms I won't mention.  After getting clearance from our Bahamas-based health insurance plan, we have discovered golf ball sized gall stones that will not pass, and the only solution is to have the gall bladder removed.

Initially, we planned for her to come back to the US to get this done.  It is day surgery and we've been assured its not a major operation, so I had planned on remaining on Andros. (We haven't had a priest since May and it didn't feel like we were going to get one).

Summer is the worst time to get a priest.  The summer heat forces many of our parishioners to go on vacation to cooler climates where there may actually be activities for the kids to do.  One family goes to TN, another to UT, most to FL or even Nassau.  Our island has very little summer activities for the kids so to visit places where there may be a cinema or a mall (with AC) is a joy.

So - when we got a phone call saying a visiting priest from Italy was coming to Andros we were thrilled.  God's "coincidences" are truely amazing.  So, after spending the first weekend with our guest and showing him around the island, we left him to cover the next 2 weekends.  I will return on 7SEP after he has left.

So, confident that Andros is in good hands, we flew back to Boston.  I was going to be here for 2 weekends so I tried to line up 2 parishes to do mission appeal talks on the weekend and drum up some more donations to build a chapel in North Andros where there has been no Catholic presence in 40 years. (Our last trip home in June generated $8,000 of the $30,000 we need)  The wonderful support of Fr. Culloty at St. Timothy's in Norwood and Deacon Paul Rooney and his pastor Fr. Mulvehill of St. Anthony's in Cohasset went a long way in our being able to beg at those two churches.  On this trip it was too short notice to get a parish for the first weekend so I helped out at St. Timothy's in Norwood.  Even though I had just been there in June and didn't ask for money I was given almost $500 by people at the door on their way out - and others took a flyer I had with me on how to donate via the mail.  Next weekend I will speak at Immaculate Conception in Weymouth, thanks to the support of Deacon Fran Corbett and his pastor Fr. Salmon.  Pray it is a fruitful appeal.

Well, back to Ginni - she has been able to get into work and put in a few days of nursing prior to shutting it down to prep for the surgery.  It will be at a facility in Kenmore Square in Boston and we have already been there twice for pre-op meetings.  This afternoon it will be to meet the anesthsiologist (how do you spell that?).  She also has been having meetings with a physical therapist for her back pain issues - we are getting old (sigh).

So anyway - 4SEP is the date of the surgery and she should feel much better once this is resolved.  Her inability to eat and enjoy food is impacting quality of life and she keeps losing weight as a result (Maybe we could implant that gall stone in me so I could lose a few).

On a lighter note - after preaching the 11 this past weekend at St. Timothy's, while Ginni was working, I found out that Faith and Light was having a picnic at Houghton's Pond.  Faith and Light is a group of mentally challenged adults that meets at St. Timothy's and I used to be the chaplain for that group.  I am trying to get a group like this off the ground on Andros.  Here is a pic of one of my friends on Andros who would really benefit from Faith and Light

Dayshawn has a severe case of Cerebal Palsey and he and his mom would greatly benefit from the support of a Faith and Light chapter - we are in the early phases but it looks like it may become a thriving community over the next year.

Faith and Light is an Intl organization serving the needs of the disabled in our communities and it does great work with these special people of God.  I knew they usually met the last Sunday of the month and I wanted to drop in and visit with my old friends - but a picnic at the Pond was a great gift.

So I run home after the 11, change clothes, put on my Androsia bathing suit and grab a towel and run back to St. Tim's to try to be part of the caravan going off to Houghton's Pond.  I should explain that Houghton's Pond is a wonderful park with BBQ grills, swimming, bath houses with changing rooms, et. al. - a really wonderful facility.  It is also so big if I didn't connect with them at St. Tim's it would be a major deal to try to find what part of the Pond they set themselves up.  So, I literally ran into the house, changed clothes, and ran out - then drove like a crazy person to get there.  Even though I was late, they were still there (tardiness is a Faith and Light trademark).

So we get there and Theresa and Jean had done a ton of leg-work to get everything organized.  Jean's hubby was already cooking burgers and dogs, a few helpers from group homes were there with their crews and all in all we had about 15-20 people with lots of food and companionship.  Seeing my old friends was super and my being there was a huge surprise.  I really had a great time and there was much laughter and "do you remember when" conversations.

If I can get any of the pics Theresa took I will post them in the next blog.
Well enough for now - its off to Kenmore Sq to meet the next Dr.
Till next time

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