Well I promised in my last post that I would tell you about Confirmation so here it is - and a bit more.
Archbishop Pinder flew in on Wednesday, May 12 and we had some time alone to talk about ministry and enjoy the breeze off the ocean on the porch. After dinner we loaded up the van, met some folks from Man O'War Sound who wanted a ride, picked up another from AUTEC and off we went to Cargill Creek for Confirmation. We had planned to have Confession at 7 and Confirmation at 7:30, which is exactly what happened, but it wasn't easy.
If you remember from prior blog entries, on Palm Sunday we had a toilet flood the church in Cargill Creek and we were trying to rip out the old soiled rugs and replace them with tile (using insurance money) and get this done in time for the Archbishop's visit. Well the morning of his arrival Gin and I were down there mopping the floor and putting everything in order after the workers had finished the installation the prior night (is that cutting it TOO close?).
Suffice it to say the church looks magnificent! People turned out from AUTEC, St. John Chrysostom in Fresh Creek, and most of the surrounding towns to see the first Confirmation on Andros in several years. Our class this year was made up of 6 students. Two had never been baptized so they recieved the sacraments on the Easter Vigil. Here is a pic of me with the Archbishop, and the remaining 4 after they were confirmed.
On another note, in prior blogs I have told you about the family with the 8 grandchildren living with 'grammie'. Well we finally got the pics of the baptism of all 8 grandchildren a few weeks ago. Between the flu, absent god-parents, missing parents, and a variety of other logistical issues pulling this off was much harder than it seems it should be - but finally we were able to make it happen. This first pic is of us all gathered around the font. Right before I began using my conche shell to start pouring.
Here's the baby of the family, being held by her Dad - the only Dad of the eight kids who was there for the Baptism
(Does that red hair in the foreground look familiar to any of you?)
Here's one of the girls leaning forward over the font
Here's another, one of the boys this time.
Enough already - you get the idea. Suffice it to say I was thrilled to finally have this entire family baptized.
Finally - an option in the Baptism Rite is the blessing of the lips and ears. That they may hear God's word and proclaim it. Ginni got this on video so lets see if I can get it to load.
1 comment:
Dear Frank and Ginni,
Congratulations on your hard work and staying open to the Spirit's lead!
Doug Grant
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