Thursday, April 9, 2009

Palm Sunday

Hello again, I thought I would share our Palm Sunday celebration with you. As I said in my last post we are blessed to have Fr. Bill Martin visiting us from Palm Sunday, through Holy Week and Easter. It is a blessing for me to be able to sit back and see how Holy Week is celebrated here. Fr. Martin has been coming to Andros for Holy Week for over 10 years so I am watching and learning.

The first thing to understand about Palm Sunday here is that palms are everywhere AND they are a bit different from the single stalk that we use in Boston. Here everyone gets an entire branch of a type of palm that you can really see being used in the bible story of Palm Sunday to blanket the street before Jesus as He entered Jerusalem.

All three parishes had a palm blessing service and an enterance procession. This is a pic of the blessing and procession at St. John Chrysostom in Fresh Creek. Fr. Bill Martin visited us from Vermont. A retired Air Force Chaplain he stayed at the AUTEC Navy Base while with us and led services on Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter.

The procession at Christ the King in Cargill Creek was a bit different from the others in that, down the road a piece, there is a tiki hut so we started there and processed down the street into the church. Rather impressive I must say.

Each church read the passion in four parts, with the people included in the readings. Every time the crowd shouted "Crucify Him" I literally got the chills - every time. I don't know why but that one line of the people shouting Crucify Him really struck home with me this year.

Suffice it to say Palm Sunday on Andros was a wonderful experience for Ginni and I and we are looking forward now to Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and the feast of feasts - Easter Sunday. I am sure I'll have much to say after what will be both exhilarating, and exhausting Triduum.

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